Myths about Baby Led Weaning

I wondered about many things when I was considering whether to let Lil Pea go down the Baby Led Weaning route. Will he choke? Will he eat enough? Will BLW really prevent fussy eaters? Will he be really handsome when he grows up?

Answers, please!

Our entire family has really enjoyed BLW with Lil Pea. But of course there are some days where he wolfs down everything and asks for more – and other days where he doesn't feel like eating so much. Just like any adult, really.

So, whether – and how – you adopt BLW is a personal choice based on what you think is best for you baby and your family. You know your baby best! Don't let judgey people get you down.

See my other post for an overview of our Baby Led Weaning journey.

Here are some of the common anxieties for parents considering Baby Led Weaning. I will update this list if I think of more!

Baby might choke.

Don't mistake gagging for choking.

In young babies, the gag reflex is very far forward on the tongue (so that baby will spit out food that is too large or goes down too quickly).

When baby is gagging, let him sort it out himself. It's a life skill, like pooping in the toilet and chasing girls. He will get better at it.

What you can do is fight the rising panic and try to look calm, while mentally running the baby Heimlich maneuver in your head. When I first started BLW I was always on the alert for possible choking!

Lil Pea actually choked only once, from being over-enthusiastic about a huge chunk of raw apple at 7 months. I did the baby Heimlich (see below) and it worked. He wasn't afraid, he didn't cry, and went back to the offending apple without missing a best.

Since then, he's learnt and always spat out pieces of food too large to swallow or too difficult to chew. A tip is to steam hard foods lightly to soften them.

See the latest guidelines on choking and infant resuscitation. You can also learn from the videos by Sky News and UK National Health Service on how to help a choking child, and how to perform baby Heimlich.

Parents will need this basic first aid knowledge anyway, as baby becomes more mobile and starts putting things in his mouth.

Alright, back to your gagging baby.

When baby is gagging, he will splutter noisily while trying to spit out the food. When he is actually really choking, you will know – there is almost no sound at all because baby can't breathe, and the face and lips will start turning blue. He will try to cough out the dislodged item.

If you hear gagging noises, baby is fine.

Stay calm, wait a bit, then help him dislodge what's stuck in his airway using the method above.

The idea with BLW is that he will learn to chew, spit and swallow.


The cleaning up will kill you.

Yes, it might. Is this something you're prepared to do?

Anyway, having a baby is a lot of cleaning up, whether you are doing BLW or not.

I spent my mornings cleaning Lil Pea up, changing him into fresh clothes, and cleaning up his high chair, the floor, and the surrounding environment. That's after cooking his breakfast, just before I went to work.

Just like changing diapers 20,000 times a day, you get used to it.


Baby can't digest large pieces of food.

It's true, he has no teeth. But he can gum foods like steamed apples and carrots and even meats. When he's happily gumming food, it means that he's scraping small bits off – so don't sweat it.

Lil Pea never had tummy troubles even when feeding himself strips of meat.

It was just slightly disturbing to see food in huge chunks in his poop, almost the same way they went in. But that was soon resolved as his digestive system matured.

As he grows older, his chewing skills will become better, and his young intestines will also get better at digesting, so don't worry.


Baby will not become a picky eater.

Nothing can guarantee your baby won't become a fussy eater. Babies change all the time. Toddlers, especially, are likely to go through a phase of refusing foods.

What BLW does is that it sets the stage for better eating habits. If meal times are not a battleground but a place of fun and exploration, it makes things easier in future for the baby and the parent.

A study by Dr Ellen Townsend and her colleague suggests that babies on BLW have lower BMI while babies on the weaning style of spoonfeeding have a higher incidence of obesity. But picky eating? Not that much difference.

A more recent study by Sonya Cameron and her colleagues shows that while health professionals are hesitant to recommend BLW, parents have been reporting good experiences with BLW, in this first paper to include interviews with health professionals.

I suppose you can ask me again when Lil Pea goes into the terrible twos when food fussiness kicks in (here are some tips to combat fussy eating), but BLW has been brilliant for us and our entire family had so much fun with Lil Pea.





Lookback: The First Year

Some of my friends call my son Ah Huat.

I think it’s because he is so blessed, and gives us much joy. (And also because when I was pregnant with him, I was able to flag down cabs without waiting and win prizes in contests.)

Here are some of his milestones – including daddy’s thoughts – in his first year that I want to ink into digital memory.

Continue reading

Baby Led Weaning and the Singaporean mum

Planking, boomz, and Angry Birds.

Is BLW a fad, like the latest trendy superfood to hit snooty grocery stores?

Is it an ang mo concept for mums with too much free time for cleaning?

Lil Pea using a fork at 15 months

I love Baby Led Weaning, or BLW. It simply means that we let baby feed themselves from the get-go when introducing solid foods. No purees or mush!
It’s a term coined by British health visitor Gill Rapley, who wrote the original book on Baby Led Weaning. (By the way, the Cookbook is a much more concise and useful resource for BLW. It explains BLW clearly and quickly, and offers plenty of useful recipes)

I have been doing BLW with Lil Pea when I first introduced him to solids. Now he is 15 months old, we are both still loving it.

At about 6 months, when baby shows signs of readiness to start solid foods, you can start. Health experts and breastfeeding experts agree that breastfeeding exlusively for the first 6 months and delaying solids till then is recommended.

Finger-sized foods like sticks of cooked carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin, apple, peach; florets of broccoli, and even meat (later on).

Lil Pea wolfs down his first birthday dinner of tray-baked chicken, potato and asparagus.

I must say it’s one if those highly personal choices for parents. BLW has its supporters and detractors, so have a chat with parents who actually do BLW and read up a little before you start the adventures!

See my other post for our experience with some common anxieties about Baby Led Weaning.

A more recent study by Sonya Cameron and her colleagues shows that while health professionals are hesitant to recommend BLW, parents have been reporting good experiences with BLW, in this first paper to include interviews with health professionals.

Another study by Dr Ellen Townsend and her colleague suggests that babies on BLW have lower BMI while babies on the weaning style of spoonfeeding have a higher incidence of obesity. But picky eating? Not that much difference.

I suppose you can ask me again when Lil Pea goes into the terrible twos when food fussiness kicks in (here are some tips to combat fussy eating), but BLW has been brilliant for us and our entire family had so much fun with Lil Pea.

So, munch on some popcorn while I gush.


At 10 months, a hearty breakfast of avocado, berries, egg and toasted rice cakes.

Yeah for BLW!

  • Baby gets to explore tastes and textures of food in their real form, not mush
  • Baby gets to practise motor skills like grasping, gnawing and moving food around in the mouth
  • Baby gets to decide what and how much he wants to eat (Lil Pea ate mostly everything, by the way)
  • Baby eats as the family eats – no spoonfeeding battles (I do not do ‘airplane flying’ spoonfeeding)
  • Baby enjoys and learns about interactivity during mealtimes with the family
  • Baby has positive associations and relationship with food

Common worries

  • A LOT of cleaning up to do, including cleaning up baby
  • Having to fight the anxiety that baby might choke (See: Myths of BLW)
  • People might give you the evil eye in public dining places
  • Having to clean up in public dining places or at friends’ homes
  • Did I mention having to clean up?

At 7.5 months, enjoying steamed carrot sticks, avocado wedges, and broccoli-carrot purée.

Traditional spoonfeeding vs BLW

I don’t care much for BLW purists – I just do whatever suits my family’s lifestyle the best. So I did both traditional puree/porridge, as well as BLW finger foods.

I want to be able to feed my baby porridge when we are out and about.

The rule of thumb is – do what is best for baby and your family’s lifestyle. There is no one-size-fits-all.

BLW enthusiasts encourage that parents allow BLW in restaurants and other public dining places, but I prefer not to. So I spoonfed Lil Pea as well, so that he would not refuse the spoon.

Anyway, just like for breastfeeding, follow baby’s cues when spoonfeeding – when he is full, stop feeding and do not force him to eat.

A caveat: BLW is a LOT of cleaning up, because making a mess at mealtimes is part of the fun of exploring the world of new foods.

Brace yourself, mummy!


Myths of BLW

Baby might choke. He can’t digest large pieces of food. The cleaning up will kill you. See my other post for our experience with some common anxieties about Baby Led Weaning.

And shimmy over here for the latest guidelines on choking and infant resuscitation. While you’re at it don’t forget the videos by Sky News and UK National Health Service on how to help a choking child, and how to perform baby Heimlich.

You will need this basic first aid knowledge anyway, as baby becomes more mobile and starts putting things in his mouth.

Yahoo, I guess.

Sources and useful resources:

  1. “Baby Lead Weaning – Starting solids with foods straight from the dinner table!.” Baby Led Weaning. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 June 2014. .
  2. “Baby Led Weaning.” Baby Led Weaning. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 June 2014. .
  3. “Baby-led Weaning: A Real Food Approach to Feeding Your Baby.” Nourished Kitchen. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 June 2014. .
  4. Ford, Gina. The contented little baby book of weaning: your one-stop guide to contented feeding. London: Vermilion, 2002. Print.
  5. Karmel, Annabel. Annabel Karmel’s new complete baby and toddler meal planner. 4th ed. London: Ebury, 2008. Print.
  6. Karp, Harvey. The happiest baby on the block. New York: Bantam Books, 2012. Print.
  7. Murkoff, Heidi, and Arlene Eisenberg. What to expect the first year. New York: Workman Pub., 2009. Print.
  8. Rapley, Gill, and Tracey Murkett. Baby-led weaning: helping your baby to love good food. London: Vermilion, 2008. Print.
  9. Rapley, Gill, and Tracey Murkett. Baby-led weaning cookbook: over 130 delicious recipes for the whole family to enjoy. London: Vermilion, 2010. Print.
  10. Yaron, Ruth. Super baby food: your complete guide to what, when and how to feed your baby and toddler. 3rd ed. Peckville, Pa.: F.J. Roberts Pub. Co., 2013. Print.